The rule in my house has always been, no Christmas until Thanksgiving is over. Since my kids have been in college, I look forward to when they return home for Thanksgiving so we can keep our family tradition of decorating the christmas tree together. So I have been doing a little planning. I am creating a few graphics for signs, cards and digital downloads. I am in the planning stages...I have many ideas. I will be laying them on you a little at a time. Come November 1st, I think I will be Christmas ready. I plan on painting a few of these on wood that I have already prepped this past weekend. If you are local, keep an eye out. I will be selling them.

DIY Fall Magnolia Wreath
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Sometimes it feels good to get out the scissors and glue and make something with your hands. I love designing things but I always come back to my good-ole-crafts. I headed to AC Moore with my coupon in tow, looking for some inspiration. There is so much to choose from. I saw that the paper was on sale so I decided on another faux wreath. Who doesn't need another wreath to decorate the farmhouse look? I chose 3 colors of card stock and a 12" styrofoam ring. It came to about 9 bucks and I was out the door to get started.
I created a magnolia leaf in Adobe Illustrator and saved it as an SVG file to cut on my Cricut. I fit 10 leaves per 12" x 12" page. I cut 40 leaves out of the green, 20 leaves out of the brown and 20 out of craft paper.
Once cut, I folded, creased, bent and curled the paper leaves.
I wanted the leaves to look a little dried. I used a brown ink pad and rubbed the edges and creases to give the flat paper dimension and detail. I tried not to be very perfect with this part. They all should look a little different.
Real magnolia leaves have that awesome bronzy color. I had a very cheap can of Old Gold spray paint. I laid the leaves out on a drop cloth and sprayed the leaves to give them that shinny autumn glow. Again, not being perfect. Some leaves got a heavier coating than others. That's okay.
As they dried, I wrapped the styrofoam ring with floral tape. I love that stuff. Pull and wrap and it sticks to itself covering the white styrofoam.
Hot glue is heating and I randomly glued the leaves around the ring. I made sure I used all the leaves so it was full.
My husband cut a piece of 1/4" plywood. I sanded and stained it. Pretty script was painted on it in white chalk paint. I wired it to the wreath.
Do you like the gate it hangs on? Do you love those antique hinges and distressed paint? More on that later.

Hand-Lettered Home Decor Solution
Monday, October 15, 2018
Do you remember your first apartment? I know it was an exciting time for me. I got to decorate and chose things that expressed my creativity and design sense. I also remember not having much money to purchase the things I wanted to make it look exactly how my mind pictured it. My daughter is now in the same scenario. She has a pretty big apartment with lots of wall space. She is starting from scratch. She doesn't have much...yet. She is finding her style but she does not want to break her budget. She bought a few big pieces to decorate her living/dinning area. Those are the places that she entertains and spends the most time in. It's smart. That's what I would do too. Her bedroom needed something. She has a large space over her bed. I thought I could help her out until she finds that special something to decorate her personal space. I hand-lettered a craft paper scroll. I found this quote that would motive her everyday. It is 30" x 30". It is a pretty simple project. Craft paper, two dowels, a permanent pen and jute to tie it up with. I hope she likes it. It is a cheap but stylish solution to a blank wall.
I love this quote so much, I added it to my store. I made an 11"x14" print on a chalk board background. Bonus SVG & PNG files added, if someone wants to use their cutting machines.
Visit my store by clicking here.

Happy "Happy Halloween" Treat Bags *Free Download*
Friday, October 12, 2018
I love making things...that is a given if you read my blog. I really like inspiring others to find the creative-craftyness in their lives. It is a great feeling when you make something and someone says, "Wow, did you make this?" I feel great when someone notices the time and energy I put into it. Of course, sometimes it's more time than it's worth, but nothing is more important than giving something so personal as a homemade gift. It just makes you feel so good. I am passing that creative-craftyness on to you. Grab my happy "Happy Halloween" bags for free. It's simple... download and print them out. There is no cutting, no measuring. Fold, glue (or tape) and your done. You will just need to fill the bags with treats for your halloween cuties.
Give this a try. You don't need a lot of computer experience. Once you have downloaded Dropbox, just click my link and download the file. If you like this little project, like it, leave a comment and tell your friends. Spread that creative-craftyness with them too.
Download it by clicking here. Don't worry...there are color directions available with the download.
What you need to complete this project:
- A computer
- Dropbox (download it for free
- A printer
- White computer paper
- Ribbon (optional)
- Scissors to cut ribbon (optional)
- Candy

Instant Download Now Available
Tuesday, October 9, 2018The Thriller Graphic is now available for purchase in my shop. It is available in SGV, JPEG, PDF & PNG files. I used the graphic to make this t-shirt. I can't wear a costume to work but this t-shirt would look great with a flannel or cardigan. Check it out and go make lots of stuff!

Treat Bags
Monday, October 8, 2018
The kids at school have been counting down until Halloween. I don't know what they like more, costumes or candy. Okay, who am I kidding... it's the candy. I designed these bags for a friend who has an annual Halloween party. They have a table full of sweet treats and candy. They have mini- bags on the table so people can fill their bags with treats to go. She had an idea to customize the bags so they were fun. She wanted a scary-themed design. I am not a fan of scary movies, so I had nothing to go on. As a kid, I loved the Thriller video. I thought that was scary without being over the top. If you are a product of the 80s, you probably loved Thriller too. I found the lyrics and used my love of fonts to create this design. I added a few scary skulls, crows and pumpkins. The bags are the mini-sized bags 4" x 8". I created these in Adobe Illustrator and created a template to print them out on a printer. Easy-peasy to print out multiples.
24 days til Halloween.

It's Thrilling
Friday, October 5, 2018
I love holidays because I love making and giving things. I never give a gift or a treat without a homemade touch and/or a custom design. I created this Thriller-themed graphic and package design. It makes treats taste better in a well-designed package with a bow. Think about your child's teacher receiving this or giving these as a favor at your upcoming Halloween party. It is much better than a baggie full of candy...because everyone likes good design! If you prefer to make homemade sweet treats, this would really make them stand out.
Today is a happy day, not only because it's Friday, but because I launched my Etsy Store today! I am excited to share the things I make. If you head over to my store and purchase one of my new prints, you can get this Halloween box for FREE until October 31st.
If you have a printer, scissors and glue...go for it! Put together this box and thrill someone this Halloween!
Things you need to put this box together:
- 2 sheets of card stock (1 for the box and one for the sleeve)
- Scissors or Exacto blade
- Ruler or straight edge
- Glue or glue dots
- Scoring tool. This makes folding easier but if you don't have one, use the dull side of a butter knife.
- Appoximately 28" of coordinating ribbon.

Happy October
Monday, October 1, 2018
It's October already. I love fall but I don't want to rush the holidays. I don't decorate for Halloween until October 1st. I have a few crows, pumpkins with faces carved in them and a couple of scaredy cats. No sickles, axes or bloody fingers will be found in my house. We don't do scary Halloween. I take the horror out of it. Harry Potter, Hocus Pocus and Stranger Things are about as scary as I like things. This time of year, I hate all the commercials for horror movies. The music alone can send me hiding under my bed. My latest print is an appropriate, non-scary decoration. I used to watch The Addam's Family show as a kid on re-runs after school. It was just silly and fun. I figured I could design something that represented that silly and fun side of what I love about Halloween. I have been busy with a few projects in that same spirit. And I mean spirit as a happy spirit...not a scary one.
A few friends have encouraged me to start an Etsy store. This will be one of the first products I will offer. It is a 16 x 20 Editable Print. Just purchase, add your family name and print. Print as many as you like. So keep an eye out for the Grand Opening of my store. I hope you like it!
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