Happy "Happy Halloween" Treat Bags *Free Download*

I love making things...that is a given if you read my blog.  I really like inspiring others to find the creative-craftyness in their lives. It is a great feeling when you make something and someone says, "Wow, did you make this?"  I feel great when someone notices the time and energy I put into it.  Of course, sometimes it's more time than it's worth, but nothing is more important than giving something so personal as a homemade gift. It just makes you feel so good.  I am passing that creative-craftyness on to you.  Grab my happy "Happy Halloween" bags for free.  It's simple... download and print them out.  There is no cutting, no measuring.  Fold, glue (or tape) and your done. You will just need to fill the bags with treats for your halloween cuties. 

Give this a try.  You don't need a lot of computer experience. Once you have downloaded Dropbox, just click my link and download the file.  If you like this little project, like it, leave a comment and tell your friends.  Spread that creative-craftyness with them too. 

Download it by clicking here. Don't worry...there are color directions available with the download.

What you need to complete this project:
- A computer
- Dropbox (download it for free https://www.dropbox.com/downloading)
- A printer
- White computer paper
- Ribbon (optional)
- Scissors to cut ribbon (optional)
- Candy

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