Hand-Lettered Home Decor Solution

Do you remember your first apartment? I know it was an exciting time for me.  I got to decorate and chose things that expressed my creativity and design sense. I also remember not having much money to purchase the things I wanted to make it look exactly how my mind pictured it. My daughter is now in the same scenario. She has a pretty big apartment with lots of wall space. She is starting from scratch. She doesn't have much...yet. She is finding her style but she does not want to break her budget. She bought a few big pieces to decorate her living/dinning area. Those are the places that she entertains and spends the most time in.  It's smart. That's what I would do too.  Her bedroom needed something. She has a large space over her bed. I thought I could help her out until she finds that special something to decorate her personal space. I hand-lettered a craft paper scroll. I found this quote that would motive her everyday. It is 30" x 30". It is a pretty simple project. Craft paper, two dowels, a permanent pen and jute to tie it up with. I hope she likes it. It is a cheap but stylish solution to a blank wall.

I love this quote so much, I added it to my store. I made an 11"x14" print on a chalk board background. Bonus SVG & PNG files added,  if someone wants to use their cutting machines.

Visit my store by clicking here.

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