Creative Home

Why do I make stuff? Why do I feel the need to decorate my house with pretty things?  I guess it is my need to be create a mood and a feeling with design. That's why I love what I do.  When my children were small, we never really had much money to spend on artwork for our home.  But I still wanted it to be warm, inviting & beautiful.  I tried to create things from found items or something I could design on the computer and print cheaply and frame. The above photo is something I made awhile ago, but it still sits on my open shelving in our living room.  I created a faux chalk board background in PhotoShop and put type on top.  I printed it black and white on plain computer paper.  My husband had some left over 1/4" plywood in the garage.  I wrapped the print around the plywood and stapled it on the back.  A simple, cheaply-made item that means a lot to me. I think it feeds the need to be creative and it is something beautiful for my home.  Win, win! 

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