Thankful & Blessed Lettered Sign

Now that fall is just about here, I began to take out some decorations.  I wanted a wreath for my front door but wasn't feeling the store bought ones with all those styrofoam pumpkins with orange and red ribbons.  I love how the trees look when they turn but I wanted something a little more subtle greeting people at our front door.  I had a grapevine wreath in the attic to which I added some eucalyptus and some dried flowers.  I found silk branches in the floral section at Walmart for pretty cheap.  One was Green Lamb's Ear for $.97 each and the other was Green Eucalyptus Stems for $2.00.

As artificial flowers go, they are very inexpensive.  I had planned on painting a sign to make it more personalized.  Sometimes I can't help myself using typography in home decor.  Design should be enjoyed everywhere!  I used Adobe Illustrator to manipulate this pretty script font.  I added some flourishes and stylized the type to give it that custom hand-drawn look.  I used my Cricut to cut out some matte black vinyl.  It does look hand-lettered.  I cut a piece of scrap 1/4" ply-wood, sanded and painted it white. Small holes were drilled in the corners so I could wire tie it to the wreath. Thankful & Blessed only seemed appropriate going into the season of giving.  Happy fall everyone!  I hope you have a wonderful first weekend in fall!

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